Dr. Mink: walking and grading and getting the job done


We all know our beloved English teacher, Dr. Mink, but do you know about her habit of walking and grading? You can see her streaming the hallways with an iPad in her hand, fitting in those 10,000 steps per day! Why? Simply because it helps her without distractions. Not only is it therapeutic, but it helps with her grading and involving her steps.

  “If I sit at my desk, or at a laptop, or just sit, I get distracted by emails or online shopping. I get up and out with only my iPad. No inconveniences” Dr. Mink explains. “I actually use my Apple Watch to count my steps.”

   She only started two solid years ago, starting with lunch duty in the 500 cafeteria. You would think that she would only walk from maybe the 300 hallways and back. However, that isn’t the case. Our English teacher ends up walking throughout the entire school, saying hello to her favorite math teachers and more. One one case, she walks the “long hallways” then the glass hallway. If there isn’t a class she cuts through gym 2 then walk the whole 300 and 300 hallways. Then she does section 400-800, 34 E hallway and the back of gym 4. One day, she walked for 35 minutes, 2.1 miles, and graded 8 primary packets in a class of 25 students.

    “Yeah, I do enjoy it. It helps me see a lot of students, know my path, and see different people,” Dr. Mink replies.

You might think that Dr. Mink is the only teacher who does this, but some secretarial staff walks around too. If you do want to catch her (if you’re free), then walk around on Day 1 class, day 2 class 8, day 3 class 8, or day 4 class 8.