Why is everyone having crushes on fictional murderers?


Describing Netflix’s second season of “You” in one word is simple: rollercoaster.

    It is easy to enjoy the storyline and narration of Joe Goldberg’s character and appreciate the villainy that comes with it, but at the end of the day, the main character, Joe, does not deserve the amount of love and admiration he gets from the majority of viewers.

    Being a serial killer should not be attractive, yet it’s somewhat understandable why teenage girls feel conflicted.

    The way the producers used Joe’s unreliable narration was impressive. After doing something bad, like stalking or even killing someone, Joe was given the time to explain and justify his actions— and he did it well.

  However, this narration does mess with your head the more you watch. Views find themselves pondering on how literal we take the show’s tagline, “Sometimes we do bad things for the people we love.”

    Through all his wrongdoings, so many sympathize with Joe. One of his redeeming qualities is his paternal nature, and his will to fight to protect children in danger, like Ellie. 

    Watchers have to constantly remind themselves that, no, he’s an awful, unjustifiable person- that he kills innocent people, making him far more dangerous than his victims ever were.

This might be strange to say, but you can somewhat appreciate the accurate portrayal of how toxic, awful, and completely unromantic all ideals are of his unconditional love are. It’s eye opening to watch a show that doesn’t showcase relationships that are all perfect so you are aware of how people can truly be. 

     Hopefully, the watchers realize that if someone truly loves you unconditionally, they aren’t a person you want to be around. No kind of devotion should ever be unconditional, especially if that devotion is coming from a person is unpredictable and controlling as Joe was.
     I hope that the writers were intentionally making him act that obsessive, but if the narration was created to justify Joe rather than tell an accurate point of view of his mental state then it immediately loses all value. Joe is not a person who should be praised or justified, I don’t think that was the point of the show to make the watchers have a crush on him and his behavior, and this applies to any other show or real life situations.