Songs to Listen to to begin your aesthetic fall experience
Grab a pumpkin spice latte and your favorite YA novel because its officially fall!
Scan here to listen to my fall playlist!
You want to know what’s better than cozying up to a book on a sunny day? Cozying up to a book on a rainy day. Maybe that’s just my opinion but trust me, it’s therapeutic. Fall is my favorite season for this and so many other reasons.
I’m pretty sure we’ve all had that moment where we looked out the window of our car while a sad song plays and you pretend you’re in a movie or something. Also just me? Okay but you really should. Imagine your Bella in Twilight: New Moon and your vampire boyfriend just left you in the woods forever. Anyways, a fall playlist is just what you need to live your movie fantasy and that’s exactly what I made for all of you to enjoy.
The craziest part is that music can boost the brain’s production of dopamine. This increased dopamine production helps relieve feelings of anxiety and depression. It quite literally reduces stress. This is so important for students especially in the fall as the new year is just beginning and your workload is expanding constantly. To listen to my fall playlist scan the barcode of my photo up top! Sit back, relax, pick up a book, and enjoy!