Academic Achievement is at the Tip of Your Fingers
Little do you know, there are numerous ways to complete strenuous tasks, that make them easier and less of a burden.
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Waiting until the last minute will only result in stress and, most often, failure. Don’t be like the woman pictured above!
That dreadful acceptance of the beaming bright red F on an exam that you expected to succeed on is heart wrenching. How can we fix your study habits so that feeling never happens again?
On average when you arrive home, you reach for your phone, watch tv, hangout with friends, and overall push aside your responsibilities. This is due to the fact that many lack the mindset and self efficiency to complete responsibilities.
When considering an assignment, you might imagine how troublesome and time-consuming it might be. Little do you know, there are numerous ways to complete strenuous tasks that make them easier and less of a burden.
When your teacher first mentions your Algebra quiz on Tuesday, what comes to mind? If you find yourself feeling nervous or overwhelmed, developing a study plan leading up to this quiz is a good starting point.
It’s crucial to manage your time and prepare ahead. Waiting until the last minute will only result in stress and, most often, failure. These feelings of stress can lead to a harder time focusing, and overall trouble finding motivation within you.
How is it that you plan ahead? A planner is a great starting place.
No matter how confident you are in your memory, it’s difficult to remember the little things your teachers ask of you. When utilizing google classroom as the main way to organize work, it is common to miss assignments. This is due to the reliance of a teacher on posting the material rather than writing it out yourself as you would do with a planner.
When it comes time to study, note taking is a popular and helpful way of studying.
When taking notes it’s important to stay organized and focused. Mindlessly writing notes proves to be the most common error in note taking.
It’s important to read or listen and record the stand out/most important parts. Highlighting, abbreviating, and labeling, are helpful skills to take advantage of when studying.
Another crowd favorite is flash cards. Flash cards are useful, however, prove the most effective for short term memory. When trying to memorize specific information for an upcoming quiz or a test, flashcards engrave the information into the brain due to the use of trigger words.
You don’t have to be a genius in every subject to achieve good grades. Simply putting in the effort, and remaining focused and present will get you as far as you wish.