Five people dead and another 25 injured after Club Q shooting

The next day, Sunday, November 20th, was Transgender Day of Rememberance. Investigators are looking into hate crime charges. 


More stories from RYLEE PEARLMAN

“The Transgender Pride Flag flies on the Foreign Office building in London on Transgender Day of Remembrance, 20 November 2017, a moment to remember all those trans people around the world who have lost their lives because of who they are.’

  On November 19th,  a gunman opened fire at an LGBTQ+  nightclub, called Club Q in the town of Colorado Springs. 

   The suspect, 22 year old Anderson Lee Aldrich arrived at the club in full body armor with a long rifle. Two other firearms were found at the scene, although we don’t know if they were used in the shooting. 

   The shooting ended after minutes of open fire which ultimately ended after two patrons at the club confronted the gunman and stopped the attack. One of the owners, Matthew Haynes, told the New York Times, “One customer took down the gunman and was assisted by another.”

   Authorities said that five

people were killed and another 18 were injured, but that was later updated to 25 people being injured. Colorado Springs mayor told CNN’s Jim Acosta that 19 of the 25 injured were suffering gunshot wounds. 

   The big question seems to be, was this a hate crime, remembering how the club is known as a safe haven for LGBTQ members. Another thing to note is that the next day, Sunday, November 20th, was Transgender Day of Rememberance. Investigators are looking into hate crime charges. 

   The two citizens that took down the suspect are named Richard Fierro and Thomas James, but now they are known as heroes who saved many lives. 

   Fierro, an army vete

ran, explained to CNN’s John Berman how he managed to take down the gunman. “Fierro said when he took on the shooter, he pulled him down and as they both went for the gun, the “AR” flew in front of the shooter. Another man, apparently James, helped Fierro with subduing the suspect. He ended up by the gunman’s head and Fierro said he told him to push away the gun that had been used,CNN wrote in their interview summary. 

   It’s unknown who the victims are at the moment since authorities aren’t coming out with names, but the grief in the community is still shown. 

   As an outsider looking in at this tragedy, it’s safe to say that I believe this was 100% hate oriented. It’s unfair that these innocent people have lost their lives, or are suffering with injuries just because someone chooses hate over love.

   Like I’ve said before, gun laws are way too relaxed, and are easier and easier to access. Everyday it seems as if a new shooting happens and more

people lose their lives to gun violence. 

   This needs to end.