Wonder Woman shines in very first film

The DCEU really needed good feedback on their movie Wonder Woman and they got it.
The first movie in the DC Extended Universe (DCEU), Man of Steel received a review of fifty-five percent splattered tomatoes on the website Rotten Tomatoes but their next movie, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice really disappointed critics, receiving a rating of twenty-seven splattered tomatoes. The DCEU movie before Wonder Woman, Suicide Squad, got 1 point less than BvS did on RT with twenty-six splattered tomatoes, another bad rating.
By now, people were already giving up on the DCEU saying that they will never be like the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) which has done very well with telling their superhero stories.
So with the announcement of the DCEU’s new Wonder Woman movie, people didn’t set their standards too high for it.
A lot of people wanted to see their favorite heroine on the big screen for the very first movie with her as the main character. Wonder Woman has only be seen on TV back in 1975. DC gave the fans what they wanted when they officially released Wonder Woman to theatres on June 2nd 2017. It was directed by the first ever female director, Patty Jenkins.
First off, Gal Gadot was an excellent choice to be the Amazonian princess. She had the heart, skill, and the looks to drive the character and she succeeded.
Wonder Woman was that movie. The movie that could be funny, breath-taking, serious, romantic and sad all at the same time.
The passion that Diana (Wonder Woman) had for what she believed in seemed so real. Diana believed that war could be stopped but she figures out the truth at the end of the movie. When she realized that she was wrong, you could feel how heartbroken she was.
Another great thing about the movie was that even in the hard times, Diana never gave up and continued to fight for what she thought was right. That’s a big thing about her character, she always keeps trying and fighting. She always finds a way to protect people, no matter what..
If you were looking for romance, then you’ve got it. Diana’s love interest, a US pilot spying on the British, crash lands in the waters of Diana’s home, the island of the Amazons. Ever since then, the pairs’ relationship grows and then it really starts to be real near the end. You need to see the development of this relationship. It will make you laugh, cry, and applaud.
The fighting scenes are a must see as well. The animations are breathtaking and leave you hanging for more. The writers did a great job of making the viewers vouch for Wonder Woman being the victor in the fights.
One negative about the movie is the actor that played the villain, Ares, could’ve looked more deceiving. Ares, the god of war, is supposed to be big, mighty and strong. The actor that played him had an appearance that didn’t fit the look that Ares should appear as.
A Justice League after credits scene would have been a good add-on to get fans excited for the movie. Multiple people were sitting in the theater waiting for something to come after the credits and were disappointed when the lights turned on.
Overall, Wonder Woman is a must see film. The DCEU hopefully will progress in their new films like Justice League, The Flash, and Aquaman.