How to be successful in Fortnite Battle Royale

The Dropping Point

  Where you drop in the game is very important. Before the game starts, the battle bus takes 100 players over the map and allows them to choose where they want to drop. Knowing the map orientation is necessary because the bus flies in different directions over the map for each game.

  A popular spot to drop in the game is Tilted Towers, but it is also the riskiest. This spot is where at least  20% of the players drop. When there are a lot of people, it increases your chance of being eliminated, and decreases your chances of finding loot before the others do.

  Strategizing to drop in the middle of the map is a another good idea. The storm, which is the Battle Royale device used to make players close in on each other, tends to close in places central to the map. If you drop at the edges of the map, there is a greater chance you will have to move far to get into the safe zone.

“Land as fast as possible to your particular spot. Land at the lowest ground possible so your parachute doesn’t automatically open high up.” – Jacob Brocious

“Know where you’d like to land before you jump, this way you can plan your attack based on the destination you land” – Tanner Koch



  Finding loot is another important part of the game. Without finding loot, which consists of guns, ammo, grenades, traps, and launch pads, the game is almost impossible to win. Chests are a great place to find loot. When playing, the game will notify you when chests are nearby playing different audio. Chests are not the only place where a player can find loot. It is also possible to find loot scattered around the map in different buildings and in random spots as well. Make sure you pick up ammo because if your gun runs out of ammo, it’s useless.  

“Don’t die. Get the guns first. Drinks shields. Get the battle pass.” – Andrew Heck

“Loot first, then revive your teammates.” – Soominh Joo


Resources and Building.

  Farming your resources is important because you need supplies to build structures in the game. When under attack, a quick wall in front of you and the shooter can prevent losing significant damage and allow you to have a fighting chance when being ambushed. Building skillfully can also confuse the enemy. If you can out build, you can out maneuver them, and eventually you can eliminate the them.

“Make sure you farm enough material to defend yourself when fighting.” –Brendan Connelly

“Building is key, the faster and more efficient you build the quicker you’ll get a victory Royale.” –Xavier Pina

“Don’t build a fort that can be shot out from under you.” – Ryne Kremer

“Play on higher sensitivity so you can build faster.” – Antonio DiColandrea

“Try to build higher than your opponent because high ground is everything; it allows you to get a higher chance of hitting headshots and gives you a better view of your enemy and other surroundings.” –Casey Walenda


Load Out

  The load out that a player carries is important because the most important loot should come first. Guns vary in their damage type, so the guns with higher damage rates should come first. The best gun is legendary (gold), then epic (purple), rare (blue), uncommon (green), common (gray).

   There are five slots in the load out and it should be as followed: shotgun slot one, shotgun slot two, assault rifle slot 3, medical supplies slot 4, sniper rifle/rocket launcher slot five.

“Make sure you have your load out organized so you can switch your guns fast.” – Matthew Chaves

“Take time to learn your inventory, learn which guns are better than others and learn to use shield potions and bandages to heal yourself.” – Tanner Koch


Other Advice

“The more you play the better you get.” – Noah Klinewski

“Always stay crouched and never engage in a battle if you aren’t confident.” – Jermaine Donaldson

“Get a good squad, stick together, and rush other teams.” – Ryan Lombardi

“If you are on console, use the new builder pro setting, it’s so much easier to build with it, and building is key in shotgun battles.” – Jacob Brocious

“Playing aggressive is a good thing. If you see someone and start shooting at them and they build a fort, don’t build a fort in response. Go forward and attack. This form of playing gives the enemy less time to heal and puts them under pressure and they panic more.” – Casey Walenda