Ms. Snuffin is already enjoying her time as an English teacher

Elizabeth Berg

Ms. Snuffin teaches behind her podium.

Ms. Snuffin is no stranger to Eastern.  After being a student here, she has recently returned to give back to her former school and community as an English teacher.  Ms. Snuffin is loving her new position, and she enjoys being back at the school where she once was a student. She has always loved reading and writing, which drove her to her success as an English teacher at Berlin Community School and she has already shown much success here at Eastern.

Q: What made you become a teacher? 

A: I had always known that I wanted to help people in some way, but I could never really figure out how I could serve that purpose and make an impact on people.  It wasn’t until I really got to college and I started to do more studying where I realized that teaching was the right avenue for me.  I love literature, I love interacting with the students every day, and I think that it’s really important that I use every period of the day to reinforce learning, to help kids grow, kind of discover new things about themselves, so I kind of figured out that was my purpose.”

Q: What subject do you teach? 

A: English 4, British Literature

Q: Why this subject? 

A: I’ve just always had a really deep appreciation for books and writing; I think it’s a great way to express yourself, but also to kind of transport you to other places. One can experience a lot through literature.

Q: How do you like Eastern? 

A: I love Eastern. The staff and students have been very welcoming.

Q: What college did you attend and what did you study? 

A: I attended Rowan University and have dual degrees in English and secondary education

Q: What brought you to work at Eastern? 

A: For the past couple of years I’ve been working in a middle school and I really enjoyed the atmosphere. I liked the kids, but I just didn’t feel like the content was right for me; I wanted to kind of take it to the next level.” I wanted to step up own game and try something new, I looked around for open high school positions and was really grateful when I heard Eastern had a job opening

Q: What do you do in your free time? 

A: I like to read. I’m a really big fan of the Philadelphia Flyers, so I watch a lot of hockey, and I go to hockey games a lot.  I also like to run, so right now I am kind of training, even though it’s been a little cold for a half-marathon. I like to hang out with friends and family as well.

Q: Do you have a goal in mind that you would like to accomplish before the end of this year? 

A: I would like to entrench myself in all aspects of Eastern and what it has to offer. I want to get to see it from the other side, get involved in clubs, sports, and just all aspects of the community so I can be a fully immersed member of the staff.

Q: What stands out to you the most at Eastern?  

A: How caring students, staff, and administration have been to me and how helpful they have been. They truly care and they want to see me, and each other succeed.