Quick tips for working at home

Many students probably never thought they’d miss school after realizing how boring working from home really is.

The situation is bad, yet there are ways to make yourself feel better and more productive at home, whether that means from your bed all day or sitting at your desk for a few classes.

Make yourself an office or work area at home and try to make it as inviting and comfortable as possible. Maybe light your favorite candle, create your own study playlist, or make a nice drink that you normally wouldn’t have enough time to make on school days.

In a situation like this it’s important to have a space that makes you feel calm and ready to be as focused as possible.

  Otherwise, time will seem forever and dreadful.

  Set aside specific times for different work, and try to recreate having a specific schedule

like you would at school. Whether that means you create certain times to work on tasks from previous days or going through assignments that aren’t due for a couple more days.

  Attempt to just take some time and work at your own pace. Don’t feel overwhelmed by the workload. Teachers are just as overwhelmed by the adjustment. We are all figuring out this new schedule together. Just try to keep yourself structured and prepared!

Minimizing distractions is probably the most important thing to do while working from home. If you find yourself checking notifications every few seconds, put your phone in another room.

  You aren’t missing out on anything, everyone is home working on schoolwork just like you.

There are also good apps to use that will lock your phone for a set amount of time, disconnect you from certain sites, or block the internet completely so you cannot procrastinate doing other things.

Don’t forget to reward yourself! You have to keep your own motivation going, your teacher isn’t going to be able to remind everyone to keep working, you have to be your own motivation right now. Don’t forget to take breaks, eat, hydrate, clean your surfaces, and stay safe and smart.

If you find yourself bored after school, there’s plenty of things to do for fun that doesn’t require leaving the house.

  Clean your room, tidying up your space makes you feel better about yourself and positive. Cook/Bake your favorite meal or dessert, read a book that you haven’t had time to, binge watch your favorite tv show, or even start a new one there’s plenty of new ones, discover new artists, workout, watch tiktok, make a bullet journal, etc.

  Stay safe, stay inside, and take care. It’s not a time to be selfish, we should all minimise how much we go out to keep ourselves, our family, and others out of harm’s way.