Trudging along
In the year 2020, it is essential work to be online, promoting and engaging with people. If not, you will be a nobody.
Well, I’m still bored out of my mind. We are now four days into “remote schooling” and “social distancing” and it’s quite boring.
I wake up at 7:40am, eat breakfast, then head up to my room and log into google classroom. I then work until 12:15 and then I’m done with school for the day. I have very little to no homework, so I have nearly 12 hours to kill. I know that sounds great, but when your confined to your home, it gets old real quick.
I usually play basketball for an hour or two, while listening to sports talk radio for hours. This week, I have been feverishly scrolling through Twitter to keep up with NFL free agency. So thank you to the NFL for giving me my sports fix right now.
However, free agency will die down by next week, and I will have to fill my time otherways. I have a couple of things I want to do, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll do them. I tend to have thoughts in my head that sound good, but never come to fruition.
I want to start studying for my AP exams and workout a few times a week. Sounds good, right? But I think I will really try to focus on doing that. However, studying doesn’t really cure my boredom. Working out could be a good distraction.
I also have reached the point where I will probably start playing video games again. I haven’t really played since the beginning of junior year and I have been pleased about that. I didn’t like spending so much time playing games, so I stopped and haven’t really got the itch to play. But now I need something to do, and the itch has returned.
I have been keeping up with my friends and catching up with people I haven’t spoken to in a while, so that’s good.
So far I’m doing alright, people have it worse than I do so I’ll just be thankful I don’t have Corona (yet) and keep on keeping on.