Pilot Pete’s “turbulence” filled season of The Bachelor comes to a close

Since the show, Peter and Madison have both gone to social media to share the status of their relationship. The two “have mutually decided to not pursue our relationship any further,” Peter said via Instagram.
At the start of the season, producers of ‘The Bachelor’ promised “turbulence”, and viewers were shocked to see the end to this crazy season. Here I’m breaking down all of it: the good, the bad, the “Bar.”
Pilot Pete’s season of the Bachelor was the first season ever where even the bachelor himself wasn’t sure how the ending of the season would pan out. Host Chris Harrison kept reminding viewers of this leading up to the finale, giving fans of the show opportunities to lend their own personal opinions, theories, and guesses for the seasons close.
The two night finale, which aired March 9 and 10 on ABC, settled fans’ theories once and for all, but caused nothing short of an uproar: everyone had something to say about the outcome.
So what happened? After Peter had learned that Madison had left upon her own wishes, he proposed to Hannah Ann. The two seemed happy, but what came after proved otherwise.
It seemed as if Peter was having second thoughts, that were not shown on camera. The production crew followed Hannah Ann to Peter’s house one day after filming had wrapped where the newly engaged couple had a heart wrenching talk, resulting in Hannah Ann’s breaking off the engagement. The two discussed how Peter still clearly had feelings for Madison, and he couldn’t give his whole heart to Hannah Ann.
This is where Hannah Ann redeemed herself to a slew of fans, who previously didn’t care for her.
Hannah Ann, who many fans belittled because of her young age and her seemingly ‘wrong’ motives for coming on the show, quickly became a fan favorite as she stood up for herself: “When I said, ‘yes’ to you, I said yes to a partnership. And I said yes to us being teammates and us working through things together… but if you can’t give me that love in return, then that’s not a relationship.”
She gave the engagement ring back to Peter, finding closure saying, “I don’t need anything more from you. You’ve done enough damage. I’m done.”
Hannah Ann showed her strength even more in the live portion of the finale episode. Showing to be a strong-willed, level-headed woman, she faced Peter for the first time since their broken engagement during ‘After the Final Rose’. She explained how Peter was immature, involving his exes (Hannah Brown, previous bachelorette) in their engagement. She also expressed how he was heartless, asking her to marry him when he knew he still had feelings for Madison, ruining her first engagement, what she had envisioned as an important moment.
She was given the last word in their conversation and said: “If you want to be with a woman, you need to become a real man.”
After Hannah Ann’s and Peter’s portion of the live show, Madison had been brought out to speak with Peter. A clip of host Chris Harrison travelling to Madison’s house was shown. He went to her house after Hannah Ann and Peter had broken their engagement to inform her of the news, and to see where her feelings towards Peter lie.
Madison revealed that she still had feelings for Peter and wanted to see where things could go with them.
Peter and Madison sat down together on ‘After the Final Rose’ to have a conversation concerning their feelings for one another. The two left their fate very up in the air, stating that they’d “take it one day at a time and see how things went.”
This is when Peter’s mother, Barbara, chimed in. She, not so kindly, expressed her belief that they would not work out as a couple, she much preferred Hannah Ann, and didn’t care for Madison at all.
Her opinions were made clear though the “Barb cam”, a little box at the bottom of the screen. This cam showed Barb rolling her eyes in disgust when Madison was shown and in many instances leaning over to her husband, who sat beside her, to state her opinions about Madison: she was acting like a toddler.
Fans of the show sprung to Twitter to voice their opinions about Barb’s outburst. The majority of Bachelor Nation was appalled by her reactions and her blunt rudeness, while some stood with her and supported her actions.
Since the show, Peter and Madison have both gone to social media to share the status of their relationship. The two “have mutually decided to not pursue our relationship any further,” Peter said via Instagram. Madison shared some words as well: “As Peter and I have decided to go our separate ways, I am confident that we will both move in the direction of our purpose and never forget that God has a plan in all things. I will always love and respect him. I am convinced our paths were meant to cross and we are both better because they did.”
With Peter and Madison closing the chapter on their relationship, Hannah Ann winning the hearts of viewers after all, and Barb being anything but quiet with her opinions, Pilot Pete’s “turbulence”-filled season has finally come to a close.