How to Cope with an Anxiety Attack
The prompt “anxiety” was put in an AI and created this image of muddled colors and anguished faces.
284 million people suffer from anxiety disorders, according to Our World in Data.
Furthermore, according to Our World in Data anxiety results from trauma, stress, mental health disorders, and drug/alcohol abuse.
What is anxiety?
Anxiety is the constant worry of everyday situations. No matter if the situation is important or not, a person with anxiety will overthink the situation. When a person has anxiety their heart will race, they will sweat, and they will start to feel very tired and have the need to sleep at random periods of time. Many people can have severe anxiety as well.
What is an anxiety attack?
An anxiety attack happens when a certain situation occurs. A person will see or hear a certain thing that will send them into a state of panic. People who are in the middle of a panic attack will feel nauseous, numb, dizzy, sick, tired, start crying or go quiet.
A simple way to explain a person with severe anxiety is “the water party example.” The average person has an acceptable amount of natural anxiety, comparable to a cup half full of water. A person who has a regular amount of anxiety has a half-full water cup. Place this person in a different situation, a party in this example, and their cup will slowly start to gain more water, as a natural reaction to the environment. However, a person with severe anxiety when placed into the same party, their cup will overflow and spill since their cup was already full before they were put into that situation.
How to cope
There are many ways to cope with an anxiety attack but the most common and effective way is to first breathe then complete the following steps:
First, look around the room for five objects you can see, four sounds you can hear, three objects you can touch, two scents you can smell, and lastly one flavor you can taste.
After calming down, then remind yourself that you are okay and decide whether or not to return to the situation.
Taking the time to do activities or hobbies you enjoy can also serve to calm anxiety.
It’s important to remember that anxiety is a natural part of everyday life. It is not something that is curable but something that can be minimized.