New Year’s Resolutions: The Reality
New Year, New Me! Now, sure, everybody has heard that saying, but what does it really
mean? Just because you have entered a new year doesn’t mean your life will automatically change, a day will not make all of your life’s problems go away.
Looking around, the constant barrage of fitness ads centered around losing weight during the
holiday season is a clear indication of these goals. With just a simple Google search, the Top 3 New Year’s Resolutions listed are as follows, “1. Lose weight, 2. Eat healthier or change diet, and 3. Get fitter and exercise more.” This indicates a common theme: people are unsatisfied within their own skin. Rather than resolving to be more confident in their skin, people aim to change. Regardless, this resolution doesn’t change anything- saying you’ll make a change and actually executing it are very different.
But New Year’s Resolutions do have a purpose and a long history within our culture. The new
year used to mark many things throughout history- whether that be the renewal of knighthood or a new harvest season, the new year brought about change for everybody. This annual change eventually turned into people striving for change in their personal life; New Year’s Resolutions became popular most specifically in the 17th century (Almanac).
As for now, Eastern students have provided their opinions and mindset on New Year’s
Resolutions of their own. Their resolutions focused on writing/reading more, getting more sleep, working out more, raising their grades, and bettering themselves overall. All of the students agreed on one thing: resolutions are seldom realistic.
They shared similar opinions to each other, “I think they’re pointless because you’re holding
yourself to an unexpected reality that just because it’s a new year things will automatically change.” Many of the students acknowledge that while the resolution may not be realistic, the process of starting a goal helps either way, “They are kinda stupid because most of the time they aren’t carried out, but its easier to count the days you’ve been doing something when you start at 0.”
All of the students indicated that their goals for the year have been successful so far, and they
recommend that being consistent is the biggest part of this. By taking it day by day, a big goal can be accomplished on a smaller, simpler scale. This consistency can lead everybody to success and a better overall life. So, what’s next? What is your resolution for 2022?