Quizlet Plus: Savior or Scam?

  When students arrived back to school in September, many were apprehensive about the year to come. Last year was the first “normal” year since Covid-19 took the world by storm, turning school virtual and greatly lessening the workload. In the 2021-2022 school year, students had to adapt to the amount of homework and studying, and many turned to Quizlet for help. 

  Offering flashcards, matching games, and practice tests, Quizlet encompasses all the tools necessary to pass. For myself personally, I owe my Final grades to Quizlet. 

  Much to students’ surprise, when they logged back into the app to begin studying for their first assessment, they quickly found out they would need to pay to use the app-a whopping $48.00 per year! The program is called Quizlet Plus, and there are very few differences from it and the free Quizlet offered last school year. If you don’t pay for the advanced program, limits are placed on the amount of times you can use the flashcards, learn, and test features. One of the most important ways to retain what you are studying is repetition. By constantly seeing the same information, your brain retains it, and you will most likely perform well on your assessment. However, with Quizlet limiting the different learning features, this key aspect of studying is no longer available. Last night I succumbed to the overpriced app and bought it. To test it out, I’ll be using it to study my Spanish 4 chapter vocabulary, and will see if it is worth my money.

My Experience 

  When using Quizlet, I especially utilize the learn feature. It goes through every term and makes sure you know it fully.     

  If you don’t buy Quizlet Plus, you’re only allotted five rounds of the learning feature. However, to learn all 46 of my Spanish terms, I did 13 rounds. 

  Without the advanced version of Quizlet, I would’ve needed to use another source to study. 

  I also took several practice tests, but only one is given to free Quizlet accounts. 

The main tool I used to study this particular vocabulary were the flashcards. On the normal quizlet there is no limit on how many rounds you’re allowed, but after doing just two rounds I already had to watch two advertisements. As much as I wanted to say that Quizlet Plus was a scam, for at least my Spanish studying, it was very much needed.


  With the apps Eastern offers on each student’s iPad, the most effective would be Quizziz or Kahoot! 

  These services are quiz based, so the student would most likely take multiple quizzes until they are familiar with the topic. However, as much as I think that students shouldn’t pay for Quizlet Plus, it is the best study tool available. You can find other people’s study sets, have multiple study methods at your disposal, and not have to worry about your study being limited.