Senior Theatre Speech: Cat Nguyen ’20
On closing night of every show, the seniors are given the opportunity to speak on their time as a member of Eastern Theatre, and share any advice they have to the underclass men. Due to the circumstances, this tradition was not able to happen. However, this is what Cat would have said.
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So I’d like to thank the cast and especially the crew for a great four years. I never thought I’d make it this far, and I couldn’t have done it without every backstage ritual and eleven o’clock nights with tears and pizza.”
“High school is a rough time for pretty much everyone, but Eastern Theatre was what dragged me outta bed everyday. For most of sophomore and junior year I woke up either wanting or planning to die and doing the show helped me get up and have things to look forward to.
When my grandfather passed away and I ended up being homebound, it was the friends I made in the cast and stage crew who checked up on me and hung out with me. I think it’s the friends you make here that truly makes the experience of Eastern Theatre great.
I’m so proud of every musical that I have been a part of at eastern and it sounds cheesy and redundant, but our shows are great because of the ensemble. It’s the things we do that Mo never sees that end up making the show great. whether it’s a stupid ad lib conversation or gesture, all the little things we do on stage make the show because Mo might never notice but someone in the audience will.
Eastern theatre will make you feel small and insignificant, but it taught me that I’m still important no matter how small. So I’d like to thank the cast and especially the crew for a great four years. I never thought I’d make it this far, and I couldn’t have done it without every backstage ritual and eleven o’clock nights with tears and pizza.”
Favorite moment?
“Hands down, winning Papermill freshman year!”