Britney Is Finally Free
Britney Spears’s wax figure stands holding an award.
For the first time since 2008, Britney Spears has tasted freedom from the leash of her father, Jamie Spears.
As of September 29th, Judge Brenda Penny has released Britney Spears from the conservatorship put on her almost fifteen years ago. As of now, the conservatorship is suspended, but she’s on target to be completely free by November 12th, only a mere month away.
Flashback to 2008, the original conservatory was put on Spears for several factoring reasons. Her life was spiraling in front of the public’s eyes. Spears, infamously pictured shaving her head and attacking a paparazzi car with an umbrella, created negative buzz in the media, and raised many questions of stability within her own fan base and family. Many other contributions such as parenting or custody issues, and trips into rehabilitation centers led her to crack rock bottom, but the final straw was her second trip to the psychiatric hospital.
Jamie seized this opportunity and applied for an emergency temporary conservatorship.
Conservatorships, or legal guardianships, are granted to those incapable of making decisions for themselves; commonly given to people retaining mental disabilities or illness. A placement of a temporary conservatory back in ‘08, made sense, given Spear’s mental state at the time, however, fast forward even 5 years later, she found herself stuck. Bound by this conservatorship she had no control of her estate or multi-million dollar fortune.
Before Spears arrived in court, people had been wondering her whereabouts for the last 15 years. The public started to turn their heads, suspecting the worst, examining and analyzing every post or comment she made to the press. She first debuted to the public in 2019 in her first public hearing, telling nothing but lies to cover the harsh reality she’d been living in.
She testified, on June 23rd, alongside her lawyer, Matthew Rosengart, revealing the lies and exposing the true unrighteousness within her conservatorship. Her main point of asking, as she quotes “the main reason why I’m here is because I want to end the conservatorship without having to be evaluated.” The stories of wrongdoing and mistrust, like forced switch of medication, forced move into a rehabilitation home, and forced labor, were described as disturbing and incredibly shocking.
The end was nearing when she came to court last month for her final hearing. With the movement of #FreeBritney, a movement made up of a group of fans devoted to Spears’s freedom, behind her, she arrived with the support of many petitions, including one from her father himself.
Within the petition he writes, “If Ms. Spears wants to terminate the conservatorship and believes that she can handle her own life, Mr Spears believes that she should get that chance,” leaving followers of Spear’s situation nothing short of confused. Why would he be petitioning to end the conservatorship he started, and couldn’t seem to let go of?
Depending on how the court hearing on November 12th unfolds, one thing remains definite, by court decision, Jamie Spears has been permanently removed from the position of her conservator. John Zabel, CEO of Media Finance Structures, has been temporarily placed in charge of Spear’s estate and finances, according to The New York Times. Spears also plans to perform a forensic investigation of her father’s management, following his termination.
The future looks bright for Spears. The short leash of her father, Jamie, has untangled leading her to a new, free life.