The First Step in Saving Mother Earth: Look Around!
Saving the earth is a constant battle, one that we should all be fightin

Art by Zoey Blackman,
I’ve started this column not only to spread awareness of this major issue but to provide easy ways that anyone can help.
Our planet is in danger because of us.
We have been given the earth as our home, and we are hurting it. While we consistently keep our personal homes clean, we are polluting the air and adding more and more trash to landfills. It is up to us to make greener choices which will determine the fate of the earth. Many people aren’t even aware of the debilitating status of our environment, and if they are, they usually think their little efforts aren’t going to make a change.
According to the 2018 Pew Research Center survey, “only about one-quarter of conservative Republicans (24%) say the same [the federal government is doing too little to help our environment], while about half (48%) think the government is doing about the right amount and another 26% say it is doing too much.”
Although climate change and environmental problems tend to be more of a democratic issue, saving our earth shouldn’t be political. No matter what you believe or who you support, you live on this planet, and you can do your part to save it. I’m here to tell you that anything you do can help. I’ve started this column not only to spread awareness of this major issue but to provide easy ways that anyone can help.
The first step to doing your part in helping the earth is quite simple:
Look at it.
We live here and spend every day of our lives on this planet; however, we don’t really see it. It is impossible to put in the effort to save something unless you truly appreciate it.
No matter what the season, the Earth is beautiful.
In the summer, admire the warm weather and color.
In the fall, gaze at the color-changing leaves decorating the trees, air, and ground.
In the winter, peek at the fresh snow layered and piled across the grass.
And in the spring, praise the colorful flowers and chilly air.
These are just the basic beauties of each season, but every part of the earth has its own unique beauty. I encourage you to find them. Travel around and absorb your surroundings, take a walk around your neighborhood, or even look out your window. Try to notice things you haven’t noticed before. I guarantee that you will find things that impress you. I guarantee that you will understand that the earth is worth saving.
This is just the first step, and honestly, I don’t think the steps will ever end.
Saving the earth is a constant battle, one that we should all be fighting. However, taking steps in the right direction doesn’t have to be difficult.
Looking outside is not a hard task, but it can work wonders in changing perspective. I am here to provide you with manageable ways to do your part in saving our planet.
Can we save the earth together?
Pop • Nov 8, 2022 at 12:25 PM
Count me in. Pop