Social Media Age Restrictions Are NEEDED

 16 is the age where someone is old enough to make more of their own decisions without parental permission and have a better understanding of the world’s problems. 

   Age restrictions on social media are important for the safety and mental health of children. 

   The internet gives more access to bullying, and can also allow children to discover politics and social conflicts without proper teaching of the subject. 

   Social media is unsafe for kids because of dangerous child predators, exposure to bullying, and influences of older teens and adults. Social media commonly leads to teens being misled due to the influence of others. Their mental health could decline as a result of feeling insecure because of filters, which can slightly change the shape of your face, making it seem so much better than what it currently looks like. Therefore, children below the age of 12 should not be able to access social media. 

   At 12 years of age, a person is old enough to understand right and wrong, but  should not be allowed to post, especially as a younger teen, unless it is private and only seen by them. It can be pretty embarrassing to look back on posts from your younger years on social media platforms.

   There are also too many ways for child predators to access minors online. 

   Sure, children could be taught to not talk to strangers online, but everyone knows that kids are curious, and nothing good happens when you tell a child “no”.

  The solution to this is that they would need to wait 4 years, until they are 16, to post on social media. To be sure someone is not faking their age, an ID or passport could be used to prove age and identity. This also stops people from faking their identity online and being a danger to others. 

  16 is the age where someone is old enough to make more of their own decisions without parental permission and have a better understanding of the world’s problems. 

   Social media can be a platform for an online business and be a good resource for publicity. It can also be a good way to learn and discuss politics with similar and polar minds before having the opportunity to vote. The rise of age restriction would allow social media apps to remain as such.

   These rules would make social media much of a safer place for everyone involved.