Madlibs: Eastern’s academics and activities

Feeling silly? Play our Eastern-themed Madlibs!


Feeling silly? Play our Eastern-themed Madlibs!

Eastern takes pride in its  _____ (adjective) academics and _____  (adjective) activities! 


All of the teachers encourage students to ____ (verb). Sometimes, the assignments are ______ (adjective), and the tests are ______ (adjective), but that’s the recipe for success! My favorite teacher is ______ (teacher’s name) because he/she is _____ (adjective). I will  _____ (verb) when I graduate from Eastern, but I am so excited to become a ____ (profession). 


Along with Eastern’s academics, we have ____ (number) extracurricular activities. I joined the _____ (activity) team/club. _______ (teacher’s name) runs the team/club. He/she brings  _______ (food) and _______ (drink) to all of our meetings/practices. We meet/practice every _______ (day of week) at ______ (time). Typically, _______ (celebrity’s name) attends our meetings/practices. I love the ______ (activity) team/club!